Manglares de Sierpe

The Sierpe Terraba River is home to the largest extension of mangroves in all of Central America. For those who are visiting Drake Bay is highly recommended coming in through Sierpe by boat through the mangroves as it is and unforgettable wildlife experience. The multitudes of birds and wildlife found here is unbeatable and travel through the Sierpe river is sure to be one of the highlights to your visit to the Osa Peninsula.

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Península de Osa

The Osa Peninsula, situated in the south of Costa Rica between the Golfo Dulce and the open Pacific Ocean and is famous for its relative lack of development and biological diversity. In fact, it was declared “one of the most biologically intense places on earth” by the National Geographic Magazine. This is undoubtedly Costa Rica’s top spot to witness life at its wildest, and serves as a home for some of the most endangered animals in the country.

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Hoteles en Bahía Drake Corcovado Costa Rica

Drake Bay is located on the North Western coast of the Osa Peninsula and is where the Corcovado Adventures Tent Camp is located. This is the perfect place from which to explore this unique and beautiful area and daily tours are available from Drake Bay to the Cano Island and Corcovado National Park. Getting to Drake Bay is half the adventure, travelers choose to hop aboard a domestic flight or come in by boat through the mangroves up the Sierpe River.

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